Financial Development Corporations
Nor-Cal FDC | Oakland
Working Together For Success
Northern California Financial Development Corporation (Nor-Cal FDC), was founded in 1978 to assist businesses in obtaining financing.
Nor-Cal FDC is a public benefit corporation licensed, chartered and regulated by the State of California and is part of the California I-Bank (California Infrastructure Bank) financing programs and California GO-Biz (Governor's Office of Business and Economic Develop)
Nor-Cal FDC is licensed and chartered by the State of California for the operation, delivery and servicing of the State of California Small Business Loan Guaranty Program (SBLGP), Nor-Cal FDC provides the "guaranty" or collateral to finance business loans of all sizes. This enables businesses that traditionally would not receive funding to obtain financing and build their capacity and operational capability.
We have a long history of helping local businesses gain access to capital by providing guarantees to lenders in the nine counties of the San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley and throughout the State of California. We have successfully assisted thousands of businesses by providing the "collateral of guaranty" that enables them to secure financing.
Nor-Cal FDC
300 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Ste 208
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 452-4402
Fax: (510) 452-4405
Sanford Livingston, President/CEO